
Winter skin bath and facial recipes

Winter skin is here. Is your skin extra dry and itchy? Do you have red scaly patches that appear in spots every winter? If your a Winter skin sufferer try a luxurious bath filled with ingredients to soothe and moisturize your skin and at the same time unwind your mind.

The first tool in your fabulous bath kit is your favorite candle. Candlelight creates a relaxing glow that signals your brain to know this is warm bath leave the world behind time.

Let’s get creative with some soothing skin ingredients: combine 2oz fresh grated ginger ,2 tsp.lemon juice and 2 cups water. Bring ingredients to a boil. Turn heat off and remove from burner let stand for 4hrs to use later at bath time.

At this time you may want to prepare a mask you can have on your face while you soak in the tub. This recipe is great for Winter dry facial skin Combine 1 ripe banana, ground up 1tsp of almonds in food processor (create a paste consistency) and 2 tsp yogurt. Set aside in the fridge until bath time. While soaking in the bath apply mask to face and leave on for 10 minutes remove gently with cloths waiting in a basin of warm water. Let bath infusion and oils make their way to your face for extra moisture benefit.Image

When your ready to bathe fill your bath tub with warm water add 1/2 cup of your infusion, Mix in 4 Tablespoons of your favorite skin oil (some examples are Organic olive oil, coconut oil, apricot seed oil, almond oil, grape seed oil.) Light your candle, dim the lights, and enjoy a good for your skin and mind soak.

When you ready to come out and face the world again distribute the oils in your bath onto your skin, lightly rinse under the shower  so that some of the oils remain on your skin, and lovingly put on you favorite cotton pajamas, wrap up in blankets and rest.

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