Massage Therapy is very Helpful during the cold weather season

So many of us suffer from body changes during the cold weather season. Muscles respond to cold by constricting and If you are already suffering from tight sore muscles and joint inflammation the cold can exacerbate the symptoms. Regular Massage therapy helps to create space in the body and counteracts the constricting effect cold has on the muscles and joints. When the bodies tissues have adequate space many important circulatory, metabolic and immune system responses can occur very efficiently. This efficiency promotes renewed health and well-being. Another added benefit to having regular Massage Therapy during the cold weather season is that massage promotes healthy messages to the nervous system and helps the body resist negative prolonged holding patterns of poor posture and chronic pain “bracing against the cold”. Chronic pain patterns which may be worse when weather  conditions are too cold and damp can be altered into a state of less pain pattern. Giving the body time to adapt to feeling less pain and good health is a very important approach to maintaining a healthy body and mind Massage therapy is extremely helpful in keeping healthy patterns that our bodies can adapt to and begin to adopt.

There are other ways in which you can enhance the benefits of regular Massage therapy. For instance take lots of warm baths and showers. Layer your clothing keep your body warm so that your body may combat the constricting effects of the cold. If you can. Keep active and flexible with regular outdoor and indoor exercise like dancing ,walking and Yoga class.

The holidays are coming give the relaxing and healing gift of Massage . There are many on-line gift certificate providers where you can choose the certificate design and way in which it is sent to the recipient. My site

Stay warm and well

Christina Powers

One thought on “Massage Therapy is very Helpful during the cold weather season

  1. Pingback: Massage Therapy is a very helpful approach to combat pain in Winter | spamiraclesblog

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